Key Characteristics vs other piston vibrators: Tight tolerances between piston and corrosion-resistant aluminum housing. Very energy efficient.
General Characteristics: Moderate life, rugged construction, simulates a blow from a hammer.
Energy Source: Air Powered/Pneumatic.
Force Output: Linear.
Force Output Range: 6 to 962 lbs.
Usage Recommendation: Continuous duty when considering energy usage and life.
Description: Like non-impacting piston vibrator except tolerance between piston and cylinder is reduced to further minimize air consumption. Lubricated and clean air supply required because of close tolerances. Motion simulates the blows of a hammer and causes any object attached to the vibrator to vibrate at its natural frequency. Internal porting allows the piston to reciprocate without the need for external valves other than to control air supply. Frequency and force can be adjusted by varying the air pressure.
Product Applications: Hoppers, silos, and pipelines where noise and efficiency are a factor.